Sharee Covington


Smart Realty - Silver Spring

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About Sharee Covington

Sharee Covington, MPA is an experienced Realtor driven by her passion to serve others by listening and caring for their needs. She is a licensed REALTOR in Maryland and Pennsylvania with Smart Realty.

As a renowned real estate agent, she is eager to assist clients with superior customer service in buying, selling, and investing in real estate. Her service areas in Maryland are Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s County, and Baltimore City. In Pennsylvania, she services Dallastown, Hanover, Manchester, Red Lion, Seven Valley, Shrewsbury, and York.

Sharee is a highly educated Real Estate Professional who never stops learning. She acquired a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and a Master of Arts in Public Administration. After earning her higher education accolades, she advanced as a leader and launched her own business in real estate after obtaining her Real Estate Licensed. As an experienced real estate agent, she adapts to the fluid real estate market changes and represents the best interest of her home buying, investing and seller clients. By analyzing the stock market trends and its effects on the home buying interest rates, Sharee has been able to educate her clients on innovative solutions when it comes to purchasing or sell their home. Although the housing inventory has affected both home buyers and sellers over the past few years, Sharee has managed to continue to be a top producing REALTOR by helping her clients achieve their real estate goals.

Sharee stays abreast with the real estate market by consistently attending training, seminars, and industry events to enhance her knowledge and skills to provide high quality service to help her clients in the evolving housing market. Sharee holds her Short Sales and Foreclosure Certification from the National Association of Realtors to better assist clients who face economic challenges by providing alternative options to homeowners. 

Sharee assists homeowners by developing a marketing plan to sell their home quickly at fair market value as a listing agent. Working as a buyer's agent, she has been able to work with first time home buyers by guiding them through the home buying process to purchase a home that is affordable. Working with investors, she has assisted in building real estate rental portfolios as well as served in a dual role as a buyer and selling agent when fix and flipping houses to rebuild neighborhoods.

Known for her charismatic spirit and angelic personality, Sharee has assisted many Sellers, Buyers and Investors achieve their real estate goals over the years as a trusted real estate agent.